Friday, September 01, 2006

Support Group Meeting Saturday September 9th 2006

Support Group Meeting for Gastric Bypass Patients

Montgomery HOW
(Help Overcoming Weight)

When: 2nd Saturday of every month

Time: 2 pm to 4 pm

Where: 5919 Carmichael Road
(Alabama District Council of the Assemblies of God Headquarters)

This meeting is open to all gastric bypass patients who are pre operative or post operative or to anyone who is interested in more information on the surgery. Family members are also welcome.

For more information contact:

Randall Culpepper: 334-488-1923


Gail G. Alexander: 279-3880


GailGAlex said...

Whew, I am glad someone thought to change my email address! I was just coming here to do that now! Thanks to whomever did it! Gail

Peter Carroll (A.K.A. BAMA_MEDIC) said...

I did it. See I do think of you. Actually it was Carolyn. LOL