Tuesday, August 07, 2007

New website...Central Alabama Bariatric Support

I have decided to move to another website to update posting of my WLS support group. Randall and I are no longer joint leaders as he asked me to take over the Montgomery H.O.W. suppory group back in January of 2007. I don't have permissions to update this website as I need to so I have decided to move it elsewhere. Please join me at...http://CABSupport.blogspot.com. Central Alabama Bariatric Support.

I hope you join me there!


Thursday, July 05, 2007

July Meeting Cancelled...

Our regularly schedulared meeting for July 14, 2007 is cancelled.

We will return to our regularly scheduled meeting in August 2007.

However, the meeting location will be changed.

Please look back in the future for meeting location details.

Monday, June 04, 2007


We have had several people ask how many calories, etc. should I be consuming a year or more post op?

Answer per Stefanaie Dutton, the Bariatric Program Coordinator for Carraway Hospital/Dr. Andrew DeWitt. Stefanie is also a post op RNY patient of Dr. DeWitt.

Here are the guidelines as recommended to their patients...


Calories Daily: 1200-1500. You should consume at least 1200 per day, if not your body will go into starvation mode.

Protein daily: 60 grams. We recommend that our patients consume 40 grams from food and 20 grams from a protein supplement. We also tell out patients to continue supplementing protein until you are able to consume 60 grams through your food.

Fat: 45 grams daily should be your maximum.


Calories Daily: 1500-1800. You should consume at least 1500 per day, if not your body will go into starvation mode.

Protein daily: 70 grams.

Fat: 50 grams daily should be your maximum.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Montgomery Dinner - May 26th

When: Saturday, May 26th

Time: 6:00 pm

Where: Catfish House / 3011 Cobbs Ford Road / Millbrook, AL 36054

Please R.S.V.P. to me A.S.A.P. so I can give the restaurant a head count.

Hope to see you there!


Monday, February 05, 2007

February Meeting

Hi Everyone!

Just to update you...
Our February meeting will be held on Saturday February 17, 2007 due to a few members being away for the AL OH Message Board cruise. The time will remain the same from 2-4 pm.

Also, please remember our new meeting location at the North Montgomery Volunteer Fire Department. 3670 Coosada Ferry Road.

Hope to see you there!


Monday, January 22, 2007

January Meeting Notes :)

We had a great meeting on Saturday Jan 20 and a wonderful turn out to the dinner at the Macaroni Grill as well.

Reminder, all future support group meeting will be held at the North Montgomery Volunteer Fire Department. (Thanks Peter for securing this location for us!) If you need direction please go to the following web addres... http://webpages.charter.net/petekf4qoe/nmvfd/map.htm.

I also want to thank Deborah Crews and the Alabama District Council of the Assembly of God Headquarters for allowing us to meet at there office for so long. We truly appreciate everything you have done for us!


Monday, January 08, 2007

Janurary 2007

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a wonderful 2006 and is looking forward to having a great 2007! I know I am!

With that said, it is time to get back into the swing of things. Our first support group meeting of 2007 will be on Saturday January 20, 2007 from 2-4 pm at the same location. Due to unforseen events Debbie will be out of town the weekend of the 13th and our meeting location will remained locked until she gets back. Until then, take care of yourselves and remember to get that protein in!

Happy New Year!